I am Steve Rawlings from Burlington, Kentucky, and the constitutional conservative Republican candidate for State Senate of northern Boone County, District 11.
I am married, the father of two children, and am a businessman, author, and attorney. I look forward to serving you in keeping Kentucky safe, secure in our constitutional rights, and free. Christ came to this world to serve, not to be served, and I will follow His example.

God-blessed… shining city on the hill
Ronald Regan
I believe that America is still, in President Ronald Reagan’s words, a “God-blessed… shining city on the hill,” and we can still be a leader in the world for freedom and liberty. But it has to start at home, in our local communities, and across the state. The examples we set, and the liberties we protect, can impact lives in Kentucky, and across the globe for future generations. I will fight for faith, family, and freedom, for a restoration of the principles of our U.S. and Kentucky constitutions, and will oppose government overreach and tyranny with every effort.
I will proudly and unapologetically promote values of:
> Truth
> Justice
> Integrity
> Transparency
Greater things lie ahead, as we fight to save our representative Republic and decentralize control from federal overreach and tyranny. I will advocate for local control by We The People as established in our founding documents.